90 man ko strategy

Due to the popularity of these games I felt it was only right to devote some time to discuss some basic strategy.

These games are all together a different game compared to most other Mtts or STTs. They have a very rapid increase in the blinds for one. Players also start with 3000 chips instead of the normal 1500.

The main difference is the bounty you receive for knocking out another player. Depending on the buy in, the amount you receive is generally equal to the fee that goes to the site.

Because of the added bounties added to the prize pool, you will many players calling big raises trying to get that extra bonus. It’s because of this that I recommend only playing good cards for the most part.

It’s ok to try and limp in early on hoping to flop a big hand. Only do so with cards that can hit a big flop. For example, connectors and small pairs. Obviously you will be playing your big hands, but beware of getting called by mush weaker holdings and getting drawn out.

The key is not to get discouraged by this and keep playing as many as you can. With such high variance in these wild games you need to put in volume in order to out run the variance.

If you play solid and maintain your chip stack by the later stages your play becomes mostly push fold. Meaning you are mainly shoving all in or folding.

I have found that by playing tight and not even worrying about the KO bonus, that you will find yourself in position to make the money more times than none.

One win in these will pay out very nice and cover any losses you have accrued for some time.

So be patient, and don’t bother with the Kos and you’ll find yourself in the money while other players are watching from the rail because they went for a$1 by knocking a player out with less than decent cards.


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